

  • Leandson Roberto Fernandes de Lucena
  • Ernani Francisco da Rosa Filho
  • Eduardo Chemas Hindi


The regional structuring, outlined by the overall preferential directions NW, NE and W-W, revealed as

exerting strong influence on a diverse array of aspects of the Barreiras Aquifer context. These influences were attested by

several aspects, based on the analysis of geological, hydrogeological and geo-electrical data, notably on the aquifer

geometry, as witnessed by sudden variations of saturated thicknesses caused by faulting. Quantitative configuration of major

transmissivities, resulting from local increase of these saturated thicknesses, was evidenced through statistical correlations

carried out between exploitation flows and saturated thicknesses or extensions of filtering sections, where correlation

coefficients up to 0.79 were obtained. The remaining influences of the structural framework of the Barreiras Aquifer

include from a control of the underground flow to evidences on the potenciometric map, as expressed by sudden changes in

spacing or inflexion of the equipotentials. In addition, quantification of permanent reserves was carried out in the area of the

Pirangi River basin, taking into consideration variations in the aquifer geometry resulting from local structuring. Other

aspects of regional implication were also addressed, among them the probability that some coastal line faults, particularly

the distensional and transtensional ones, be associated to the formation of saltwater wedges.

How to Cite
Lucena, L. R. F. de, Rosa Filho, E. F. da, & Hindi, E. C. (2006). STRUTURAL CONTROLS ON BARREIRAS AQUIFER - PIRANGI. Águas Subterrâneas, 20(1).