Fuzzy modeling in the assessment of groundwater contamination risk in Algodoal/Maiandeua Island
This work aims a fuzzy modelling applied to risks assessment of groundwater contamination in coastal environment, applied a high intervention zone in the Algodoal-Maiandeua Island (HIZAMI), an Environmental Protection Area (EPA), in Maracanã, state of Pará, Brazil. From the groundwater from 20 wells we have measured temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and fecal coliforms, in the flood and drought seasons. A practical groundwater quality index (PGQI) is proposed due to limitations to conduct broad experimental campaigns in an island area. The assessment of contamination consequence degree by a matrix (M-CCD) has been evaluated by the relationship among PGQI and the available groundwater storage from the aquifer. An index has been developed to assess the hazard degree of contamination sources (HDCS), related to 68 sanitary cesspools and 2 horse stables distributed in the HIZAMI. The fuzzy inference was used to measure the PGQI, HDCS and intrinsic vulnerability of the aquifer. From the M-CCD it was possible to classify fuzzy risks of source contamination and wells. Thus, 19 sources have been classified as the high contamination risk for the underground environment, and horse stables have been classified as of very of high risk. In the drought season, 3 wells were at high contamination risk. Consideranting annual average and the flood season average 3 well were classified in very high risk. Finally, the proposed methodology can assist the management plan and serves as a decision-making tool for promoting water sustainability in any small city of coastal zone as Algodoal/Maiandeua Island.
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