Complementary drainage system with comparative of methods for Avenida Santos Dumont, Criciuma, SC - Case study

Keywords: Urban infrastructure. Sustainable urbanization. Infiltration trenches. Infraestrutura urbana. Urbanização sustentável. Trincheiras de infiltração.


  • Eduardo Fregulia França Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense
  • Flávia Cauduro Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense
  • Christiane Ribeiro Müller Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense
  • Jori Ramos Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense


When a city grows unplanned, it causes negative impacts to drainage systems, generating flood problems that take away the quality life of city. This present study aims to propose a complementary drainage system for a stretch of Santos Dumont Avenue, Criciuma, Santa Catarina. Study was carried out through 4 models, A model with the actual observations of the Avenue and three models created to study of complementary drainage. A model consisted of the actual situation of the Avenue, B model was the adoption of alteration of the surface to reduce runoff and use of rainwater in builds, C model was used of infiltration trenches in A model and D model was applicated both action in B model. As results were obtained, flow rainstorm reduction in drainage system and, consequently, reduction of problems in A model. It was concluded that D model is the most suitable for solving problems in this Avenue and improve life from community.

How to Cite
França, E. F., Cauduro, F., Müller, C. R., & Ramos, J. (2019). Complementary drainage system with comparative of methods for Avenida Santos Dumont, Criciuma, SC - Case study. Águas Subterrâneas, 33(3).