Geotechnology applied to the analysis of the risk to the contamination of the aquifers in São Roque River watershed, São Paulo, Brazil

Keywords: Aquifers. Watershed. Contamination. Vul-nerability. Aquíferos. Bacia hidrográfica. Contamina-ção. Vulnerabilidade.


  • Phelipe da Silva Anjinho Universidade de São Paulo
  • Letícia Geraldino Campos Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Frederico Fábio Mauad Universidade de São Paulo
  • Luiz Eduardo Moschini Universidade Federal de São Carlos


One of the main problems related to anthropic actions is the contamination of groundwater, which can be intensified due to the physical characteristics of the aquifers and the land use of the watershed. Therefore, studies that make possible a greater understanding about the vulnerability in which the aquifers are subject, relating them to their natural and anthropic characteristics are essential for water management and decision making. The objective of this study was analyze the risk to the contamination of the aquifers of the São Roque river watershed, using the multicriteria analysis methodology. For this purpose, thematic maps of the physical environment and land use and coverage were generated in order to prepare the final map of the potential contamination of the region’s aquifers. In summary, the results indicate a critical situation regarding the degradation of the watershed aquifers, with almost 70% of the area classified as high risk and very high to the contamination of groundwater.

How to Cite
Anjinho, P. da S., Campos, L. G., Mauad, F. F., & Moschini, L. E. (2018). Geotechnology applied to the analysis of the risk to the contamination of the aquifers in São Roque River watershed, São Paulo, Brazil. Águas Subterrâneas, 32(3).