Evaluation of the effectiveness of public policies returned for the protection of areas of water captation: case study in the municipality of São Carlos-SP

Keywords: Water resources. Urban planning. Surface water. Groundwater. Recursos Hídricos. Planejamento urbano. Águas superficiais. Águas subterrâneas.


  • Giulia Guillen Mazzuco Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Artur Braz Lioni Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Diego Peruchi Trevisan Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Reinaldo Lorandi Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Luiz Eduardo Moschini Universidade Federal de São Carlos


Studies related to the evaluation of the effectiveness of public policies aimed at the protection of water catchment areas are important in the process of water resources management. The aim of this article is to analyze the directives of the master plan of the municipality of São Carlos-SP oriented to the protection of the catchments of groundwater and superficial water for the public supply. The Strategic Master Plan (current) and the Master Plan (in force from 2005 until 2016) were analyzed to verify if they specify guidelines that aim to protect the wells and aquifers that are important to the public supply. The geographic coordinates of the water catchment sites were plotted in the ArcGIS software, in order to overlap with the land use types, present in the region. Both Master Plans only deliberate punctual but not specific actions regarding the protection of groundwater and surface water catchment points. The underground catchment presents higher concentrations of collection points in the center-south region of the municipality, especially in the sugarcane area and in the urban area. The São Paulo State Groundwater Atlas define specific guidelines for the management and utilization of groundwater resources, but no planning actions have been carried out by São Carlos-SP aiming at the monitoring, control and protection of resources water resources.

How to Cite
Mazzuco, G. G., Lioni, A. B., Trevisan, D. P., Lorandi, R., & Moschini, L. E. (2018). Evaluation of the effectiveness of public policies returned for the protection of areas of water captation: case study in the municipality of São Carlos-SP. Águas Subterrâneas, 32(1), 154–161. https://doi.org/10.14295/ras.v32i1.28977