Contaminant Loading Concentration Zone to Assess the Groundwater Pollution Hazard in Urban Area
This paper aims to propose a spatialization of potentially punctual contaminating loads in a Contaminant Loading Concentration Zone (CLCZ) for assess the hazard of groundwater contamination in urban areas. This propose was applied in macrozone Cidade Radiocêntrica of Porto Alegre’s Urban and Environmental Development Master Plan. The CLCZ was delimited by identifying the potentially contaminating activities and applying a 100m radius for the commercial activities and 200m radius for other types of enterprises. Within this zone, the POSH index was interpolated. For assess the groundwater hazard, the CLCZ layer was overlapped on the vulnerability index layer calculated by GOD method. A total of 490 potentially contaminating activities were identified and grouped in a CLCZ which corresponds 32% of Cidade Radiocêntrica. The interpolated POSH index revealed a good representativeness of the identified potentially punctual contaminating loads (75% elevated). It was found that the study area has a mostly moderate vulnerability (98%), and the groundwater pollution hazard ranges between moderate (16%) and high (98%) within the CLCZ. The spatialization propose allowed the evaluation of confluence of potentially contaminant activities and their pollution hazard.