Combination of geophysical and soil mapping methods related to reforestations in semi-arid regions



  • Theresa Mannschatz Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ Dresden University of Technology
  • Karl-Heinz Feger Dresden University of Technology
  • Peter Dietrich Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ


This study analysis the influences of reforestation measures on soil properties and water balance in semi-arid areas such as Northeastern Brazil. For an improved hydrological modeling innovative combinations of geophysical, remote sensing and digital soil mapping methods for the assessment of needed soil parameters will be applied.

How to Cite
Mannschatz, T., Feger, K.-H., & Dietrich, P. (2011). Combination of geophysical and soil mapping methods related to reforestations in semi-arid regions. Águas Subterrâneas. Retrieved from