Águas Subterrâneas 2024-01-12T08:38:36-03:00 Everton de Oliveira Open Journal Systems <div style="text-align: center;"> <div style="text-align: center;"> <div style="text-align: center;"> </div> </div> </div> Evaluation of chemical and microbiological parameters of groundwater in the municipality of Parintins - AM as indicators of water pollution 2023-12-19T12:05:23-03:00 Mônica Jacaúna dos Santos Israel Henrique Ribeiro Rios Rafael Jovito Souza Ednilson da Silva Albuquerque <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>The objective of this study is to evaluate the quality of water in public supply wells in Parintins, supporting the management of water and environmental resources. In the context of public water supply in the city of Parintins-Amazonas, this occurs exclusively through underground capture of the water table from the Alter do Chão aquifer. The locality predominantly uses septic tanks to dispose of its domestic effluents, which can infiltrate and contaminate groundwater, mainly the water table, where nitrate appears as an important indicator of fecal contamination. The methodology used included bibliographic and documentary review, collection, and analysis of water samples from wells, in accordance with procedures recommended in the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wasterwater (APHA, 2005), and parameters established in Annex XX of the Consolidation Ordinance nº 5 - amended by Ordinance nº 888 of May 2021 (Ministry of Health) and CONAMA Resolution nº 396/2008. The results obtained for some wells showed high levels and above the standards established for human consumption. This study is expected to support the management of underground water resources, helping water security and mitigating possible contamination of the Alter do Chão aquifer. The diagnosis of places with water contamination is important for the classification of aquifer waters and for decision making. The study contributed to the advancement of environmental science and public health in the Parintins region, diagnosing the risk of pollution within the area and encouraging the occurrence of other studies in other periods to investigate pollution control and prevention actions.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-02-14T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Águas Subterrâneas Relationship between Mining and Groundwater Resources 2023-10-23T12:04:38-03:00 Rodrigo Miguel José Campos <p>In general, the relationship between mining and groundwater resources follows two paths: i) water excess that requires the lowering of the potentiometric surface to enable the ore mining; ii) or water scarcity that results in external demands to enable the treatment of the ore mined. In the Capão Xavier mine region, and in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero as a whole, there is a conflict between mineral activity and urban sprawl that can be considered critical. In the region, the groundwater availability is high; being mainly associated with intergranular aquifers linked to the thick weathering mantles and fractured aquifers hosted in rocks of different natures (granite, terrigenous and chemical metasediment, metabasalt and carbonate). For the treatment of pumping test data, the method that best fitted and get best coherence was the applied to the double porosity medium. This method showed high coherence, not because the aquifers are framed in the conceptual model of double porosity, but because wells screens sections are positioned in soils, saprolite and fractured rocks, resulting in mixed capture systems, with water inlets from sections with intergranular and with secondary planar porosity (fractures), in two overlaid aquifers. In the case of the Capão Xavier mine area and surroundings part of the waters produced by pumping for drawdown is derived to complement the public supply. The possibility of expansion of mining areas is limited due to the presence of urban centers and federal highways. This study aimed to evaluate the aquifers of the region and demonstrate that the issue between mining, urban sprawl and groundwater resources in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte can be considered a single case that affects the development of different economic activities.</p> 2023-12-22T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Águas Subterrâneas Variations in pH and EC in the hydrochemistry of mineral waters from the Serra Geral Aquifer System (SASG) packed in the State of Rio Grande do Sul 2024-01-12T08:38:36-03:00 Pedro Antonio Roehe Reginato Jéssica Sindiana Pletsch Tiago de Vargas Franciéle Schwanck Carlos <p>Mineral water is a resource of great economic importance, it is characterized by physical-chemical parameters that are reported on the labels of water brands sold. However, groundwater can present changes in its physical-chemical characteristics, which are caused by different factors. In this study, an assessment was carried out of the hydrochemical characteristics and variations in pH and EC parameters in mineral waters from SASG, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. This assessment involved the analysis of physicochemical data from different brands of water, as well as evaluations of the pH and EC parameters in samples of packaged water, which were measured in the laboratory. The results indicated that SASG mineral waters are classified as “fluoridated” and are characterized by an average pH close to neutral (7.10), low electrical conductivities (average of 185.2 uS/cm), and classified as types calcium or magnesian bicarbonate waters. Furthermore, variations (positive and negative) were identified in the pH and EC values measured, when compared with the values reported on the labels. pH showed smaller variations (-4.34 to 17.61%), while EC showed more significant variations (-13.79 to 50.91%). These variations are explained by water renewal caused by recharge processes and continuous exploitation.</p> 2024-02-02T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Águas Subterrâneas